Keputusan Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun 2009
Siti Zulaiha Uyub
5 Aman
Bahasa Melayu : 67
Bahasa Inggeris : 68
Mathematics : 68
Sejarah : 63
Agama Islam : 81
Biology : 56
Physics : 48
Chemistry : 45
English for Science and Technology : 58
Overall results ; 1A, 5B, 2C, 2D.
okai, this is my mid term result. terok kan? adoyyy. how can i improve? grrr. my parents start to bubling evryday, evry sec. hmm. now smue taley, i cant do this i cant do that, i cant go there and i cant go here. but i know, this is bcz they wanna see me at the university, get the scholarship. i'll get it lah ayah, mak. insya-Allah.
today notes ; i wanna be dentist, and i want to get scholarship from MARA, JPA or Sime Darby.