
"I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next."

January 18, 2012


Untuk A, 
yang kini sudah jauh. 
Jauh sekali. 

December 2, 2011

Miss Independent

Hello and Assalamualaikum ppls! :)

Did you miss me, did you? I know you do. Hikhikhik. ;) Well, honestly, this week is the worst week ever. I hate it btw. I have a tons of lab report which I hate the most and I have no idea how to do it. And also assignmentsssss. And also presentations. Got two presentations next week. And yeah, havent done the slide yet. T.T Now tell me, budak environmental relaks sangat ke? -.-' I hate when some people says environmental was so easy kan, got no assignment got no test got no pressure. *hangguklu* Try to respect other course please. Please dont think your course is the scariest the hardest the best compared to others, its annoying you know. All the course have their pro and cons. Haruslah course tu wujud diatas sebab tertentu untuk kepentingan dan kegunaan tertentu. Understand me?

My mother taught me that Ive to respect others, if I want they respect to me since I was a little girl. I live with that words everyday. Well, mybe sometime I didnt apply it in my daily life but always remind myself to respect others. I did. Seriously. Haha. My mother is awesome, she always taught me to be a better person when I grow up. :) Well I know, your mum too. Haha.

Simple example, when your roomates are studying, and you the only one who want to sleep. And you told them to turn off the light. For me, something is wrong with it. Why dont you try to sleep in light, since your roomates all still studying? What if it happens everyday? They have to study in the dark, or in dim light. Well, they will rabun, they wont have healthy eyes just like me. And they will rabun because of you. Only because of you yes you you you YOU! *ohh, betul ke example aku ni ade kena mengena dengan respect? * 

Haha. Like seriously lah wey, respect others. When someone is solat, then you have to stop singing or anything lagha that you do. Please respect them who are praying. Respect is two way communication. When you respect others, the others will respect you. Not only with someone older, or anything. To everyone please. :) Youll know how the great feelings that you will feels when someone do respect them as you do. :) Believe in me. Respect its the most important things in our daily life. Without it, you are nothing. ;)

Saya janji akan respect others after this, awak bila lagi? ;)

Today Notes : Salam Maal Hijrah peeps. Semoga tahun ini adalah tahun yang lebih baik dari tahun tahun yang lepas. :) 


November 24, 2011

Stop and Stare

Assalamualaikum and hello peeps. :)

I miss you people. Apa kabarmu? Hak hak hak. Hello again. :)

We all have a plenty of choices in life. Every second of our life is actually have a million of choices. For example, when you cross the road, there is a lot of probabilities. One you will cross it when the traffic light shows red. Or you just cross it without thinking all those probabilities? Get me? Haha. I actually dont know how to express what in my heart now. Ive a lot to say when it comes to the choices things. Well, because Ive gone through a lot of that moment. Moment when you have to make a big decision with a lot of choices. I bet all of you have been through this too. Haruslah kan because youre normal people just like me. :)

Well, jujurnya ibu bapaku sangat nak aku jadi seorang CIKGU, :) Ohh, I mean actually they want me to be doctor, dentist or pharmacist at first, but Im not qualified at all to become that. Haha. For them, as a girl. CIKGU is the best career. Fyi, orang tuaku adalah orang lama. In their "future planning" for me, there is no engineering or architecture or accounting. Just those three professional career at the hospital and teacher. :)

I prefer to say my future career is environmentalist. InsyaAllah. :) I know my parents, they dont know about this course so much, and they dont have confident whether this course will give me a good career to me or not. Because they never think of other courses, I know mereka sangat risau dengan saya. They think I made a wrong decision, which well for me its a right decision. This is what I want, to be an environmentalist. :) They do support me eventhough they dont really show it up. They scared I might fall and couldnt stand again. And I give up. Dont worry ayah and mak, I will never give up. Thank you so much, Ayah and Mak. I'll do my best and prove to both of you, the path that Im taken is the right path. :) 

Today Notes : The wrong decision can always be corrected. Because sometime the wrong decision will lead us to the better ones. :)


November 11, 2011

Start All Over Again.

Hello and assalamualaikum. :) 

Its been quite a long time since I last wrote here. Hello again, and I miss you people. :)

Well, yes, everything changes. Ive changed, like a lot mybe? Haha. Umm, Im no longer jobless girl. Hihi, Im officially be a part of one of university. And as a their student of course. Guess what courses did I took. Try la teka. :D Emm, well Im environmentalist-to-be. *inshaAllah* Okayy. Emm, I dont have a word to say. Haha. Well, I barely know what is interesting about the University life and such things. For me, nothing interesting yet? Screw me up. Aha! I kindda try to love this place but yeah, still trying and yes, Im trying my best to fit in this new life. Hmm. 

Everything changed, just as I. Kadang kadang saya rasa Im not in the right path. The path that currently Im taking is something that I dont have guts on it. Like seriously, i never wonder myself being that ".." things. My life now messed up actually. I didnt understand the lecture, I cant do the tutorial, I didnt score well. Well yeah, Im not someone who are really good in the particular subject. I just a girl who love physics with all her heart but that girl didnt really score it well. Im that girl. I grew in the family who thinks if you didnt score A for your math, youre kinda stupid lah. Im just an ordinary girl who has nothing special on herself. Ive a lot of WH question in my head now. Haha. Im the girl who has no confident in herself in any way pun. But, theres something that I believe on. God will help me kalau saya berusaha dan yakin padaNya. :) 

Even saya rasa, Im not qualified of being that * referringtothecourseimtaking* and I think I made a wrong step. But I know one thing, I cant turn back. There is no turning point for me to turn back. So saya akan teruskan berlari dan jika saya terjatuh saya pasti bangun semula, jika saya tak mampu berlari, saya akan berjalan, dan terus berjalan tanpa melihat ke belakang. :) Sebab saya tahu, evethough at a certain point, I might fall, and failed. But if I turn back and try to start all over again, itu akan menghabiskan masa saya. If I stand up again and get my momentum back, I will have no regret atleast because I know, Ive tried my best to be the best. :) 

Today notes : Jangan patah balik kerana ketidakyakinan awak. Yakin lah, Allah akan membantu hamba hambaNya yang berusaha dan Dia sentiasa merencanakan sesuatu yang baik untuk kita. 


August 19, 2011

Long Distance.

Cik Q selalu cakap, saya ni kedekut sangat. Kedekut senyuman. :) Haha. Yeah, youre right. Hehe. I dont know why, but semua orang mostly akan label myself as sombong. Tehehe. Sorry. Saya memang tak pandai senyum. Kat rumah pun kan, selalu buat senyum comel je. Nanti kalau buat dekat luar orang bagi makan kaki pulak kang. Comel sangat. Hahaha. Tapi tapi kawan kawan. Saya sedang meng-practice senyum untuk gambar raya tahun ni. :B Nantikan gambar raya tahun ni okeyy. :D

Kawan kawan, senyum tu kan sedekah. Saya tau anda tau tu. Jangan la kita mengkedekutkan diri kita nak senyum ye. :) Senyum la paling senang. Kalau tade duit nak sedekah. *mcm saya ni. penganggur tegar. Boleh la buat amal lain seperti memurahkan senyuman yang sebelum ni saya selalu mengmahalkan ia. Dulu kan, saya selalu rasa pelik nak senyum kat anonymous. Tapi sekarang, cool la. Kadang kadang orang tu yang pelik tengok saya tetiba senyum walaupun tak kenal. Hehe. Okey, saya dah berubah sikit ye kawan kawan. :)

Lepas tu kan, kawan kawan. Kalau kita pergi pasar malam kan, selalu ada orang mintak sedekah. Buta la kudung la anak yatim la masjid la. Kita selalu la nak persoalkan 'eh, dia ni betul ke? ke sindiket ni.' Tak dinafikan, saya juga kadang kadang terfikir jugak mcm tu. Tapi satu je saya nak cakap. Niat sedekah itu penting. Niat je la kita bagi ni untuk dia buat sesuatu di jalan Allah. Tak payah nak persoalkan kesahihan nya. Janji kita dah ikhlaskan diri. Lain la kalau dia memang dah cakap ini tabung nak buat disko. Jangan la kau gatal gatal nak letak duit kat situ kan. Banyak lagi tabung masjid tabung surau kau boleh letak.

Masa kat hentian Seremban dua tahun lepas kut. Ada sorang pakcik ni bagi lecture kat budak mintak sedekah ni. Kalau lecture baik tapi jugak. Ni tengking. Kesian budak tu. Dia marah, dia cakap ni ade orang la yang suruh awak mintak sedekah kan. Blablabla. At that time, pakcik tu lecture depan surau. And aku berdiri and hanya mampu tengok. Aku sedihh sangat. Aku tau la pakcik tu ade niat baik, caring kat budak tu. Tapi jangan la marah. Tengking. Suara dia kuat. Aku yang jauh pun rasa nak nanges kena mcm tu. Aku tengok budak tu kuis kuis kaki. Hmm. Sedih kan. Apela salahnya kalau nak cakap tu nada pilihla yang sesuai. Sampai sekarang aku ingat setiap dialog pakcik tu. Pakcik, jangan buat macam tu. Tak baik tau. Awak yang lain juga. Ikhlas kan hati semasa menderma banyak pahala tu. ;)

Okey kawan kawan, selamat menayangkan gigi awak selalu. :B

Todays Notes : Sepuluh malam terakhir. Selamat beramal. :)
